Saturday, September 15, 2012

Growing Curves.

Over the last months dew to plenty stress, bad eating habits and an occassional dose of depression, my butt decided it was time to let me know she existed and was growing on me fast. I took a long hard look in the mirror where honesty was the name of the game and there was no kidding myself.
Somehow, regardless of how many years rise to meet us – we tend to always presume ourselves to still be that 20 something year old with that same shape that was effortless to maintain, if at all.
There it was, the truth. Without hesitation I called my mom followed by my sister. The lies we want to hear are all there, laid on thick to appease who really ?!?
Then the big excuse – It’s your thyroid !! Okay, maybe. Off to the doc, blood tests and a few days wait. What do you mean my thyroid is fine ???
Thoughts going through my head – eat less, exercise more. And for crying out loud woman – DRINK WATER. I know deep down my cooking habits changes to accommodate the growing boys with very healthy appetites. Pasta, rice, potato, bread. Not that eating any of this is bad but big portions of the same thing …
I grew up in a house where fresh green salads and grilled chicken breasts or steaks with a helping of beetroot or such was a way of life. Reality check – living in the city is horrid. A simple thing like jogging on your own is not a safe or smart thing to do. After a trip to my dentist where we got chatting about womans health, she recommended a dietician in the same building. I had my appointment the next day. How raw can one be because who would you be lying to but yourself when it came to answering some of her questions. As I answered and heard my own words, I knew exactly where my problem areas were. I was taken back a little when seeing portion sizes too even though the rule of thumb was the palm of your hand. Well then – dinner will be served on a side plate for me. Just to help with the psychological aspect of it.
I’m loving my new eating plan, which I might add is taking some getting use to from a habit point of view. Hubby too has joined me which makes adjusting that much easier. Back to summer foods which I love – grilled steaks and fresh fusion salads, plenty BBQ‘s and activities in the lush sunshine. Ah, just love Africa.
I often joke with my friends when going out for a morning jog escorted by hubby. ‘I will wait till traffic dies down so I don’t get hooted at for a laugh as my butt is smacking me around ;) ‘
I’m having fun meeting new faces at Zumba and Pilates classes, especially choosing the back row – it’s a whole other picture.
Here’s to all the moms, wives and women out there, celebrating life in our 30′s and the ever changing curves we encounter as the double digits change. Having fun, living life and aging gracefully. As I said to Tumelo when wanting that last cupcake – life is too short, but even shorter if you’re fat.